Evidence suggests that chili peppers were grown as early as 5000 BC in South America. According to Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, the ancient Aztecs grew many species of chili peppers for use in ceremonies and in chocolate drinks. Columbus brought this newly discovered spice to Spain in the late 15th century; He mistakenly believed that chili peppers were related to pepper because of their hot taste, so chili peppers are mistakenly called chilli pepper to this day.

Portuguese traders transported the spice to their colonies in Goa, India and trading posts in Asia and Africa, and it was quickly used as a spicy substitute for black pepper. In 1912, pharmacologist William Scoville devised a way to measure the spiciness of chili peppers, later known as the Scoville Spicy Index, but is now being replaced by more precise methods of determining spiciness. practice in the laboratory…

Powder chili :

Grinding causes many of the flavor compounds in chili peppers to evaporate, and chili powder enhances the heat best.

Fresh chili
Fruity, citrusy, green, and sweet flavors are often overpowering, depending on the type of chili and ripeness.